
Spelling Homework
Choose from the activities listed below to earn at least FIVE points each week.
You will turn in your activities on Friday!

3 points
  1. Make a code and rewrite the words in code
  2. Write words in pyramid form
  3. Create a set of spelling flashcards and practice words twice with an adult - Must turn in flash cards with signature!
  4. Use each word in a sentence OR write a story using all the words

2 points
  1. Write the words three times each
  2. Use at least 15 words in a word search
  3. Write words in ABC order
  4. Write words with vowels CAPITALIZED and consonants lowercase
  5. Write words twice with your opposite hand

1 point
  1. Include words in a picture
  2. Write each word and then write with scrambled letters
  3. Write each word forward and then backward
  4. Write the words with fancy/fun letters
  5. Have an adult give you a quiz- Must turn in quiz with signature!

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